Teenage Ghost

    Josh returned home from his outing with Vi. He wondered what she would show him tonight, he wondered if it had something to do with fire. He recalled the night with the candles, and smiled fondly. When he entered his room he found all his new clothes had been removed and “Conform to the Norm” wear stood in it’s place.
    Josh tossed his black bangs out of his face and stormed into the living room.
    His parents sat waiting calm and poised. Both dressed still in their work attire, or corporate monkey suits.
    Mrs. Whitnick’s South American accent always showed when she was angry, the angrier she got the heavier the accent. Josh could always tell how much trouble he was in because of it. Today he would be lucky if she didn’t start speaking Spanish, she was so angry. She thought he didn’t understand her, but he secretly learned Spanish just so he would know.
    She drew in an irritated breath and narrowed her eyes a bit. “Sit down.” she pointed. “Your father and I are deeply disappointed in this new trend you are going through.”
    “You see Son,” his father began in the normal way that he always did. “You have to Conform to the Norm. Otherwise you see, people are just going to pick on you. You don’t want to ‘Stand Out’ so to speak. You know, people who stick their head up too high generally get it shot off.”
    Now the muscular, six foot two man began gesturing with his hands. “We’ve had this conversation before about the piercings and the tattoo’s. If people see you dress a certain way, they are going to think you ARE that way. We didn’t raise you to be some kind of street hooligan. Now you’re just going to end up with us having to call the police, or the police are going to end up calling us over something you did. How do you think that makes your Mother and I feel?” But he did not want an answer. “It makes us feel like failures as parents, that’s how it makes us feel, and that’s exactly what we are. Have we failed to provide you with a good home? Do you want for anything while you live here? You have no excuse, you were not abused in any manner at all here. Your mother and I have neither one neglected you in any manner.”
    Mr. Whitnick watched his son sit emotionless for a few moments then continued. “I’m sorry Son, but you have to Conform to the Norm in this household. We are all well adjusted human individuals here who work, earn, and live like every other normal human individual on the planet. You know the rules, you know why we have the rules. I am not explaining them again. You will dress normal. You will attend school and make good grades. You will graduate and then you will attend college. You will become a productive member of society. It is job, it is your duty, as Normal Human Individual.”
    “And another thing too.” a sharp accent cut in. “You’re grounded until further notice. No more social activities, no more going out, and worst of all…” She reached over and snatched the phone out of his hand. “No phone.”