Teenage Ghost

Evan walked back out and climbed up to get Jeff.

     The two stood in the kitchen and Evan’s mom turned around to meet her sons’ new best friend.
     Her face seemed puzzled. “You certainly look familiar.” she remarked. She walked to the kitchen to wash her hands in order to shake Jeff’s hand. “Is your Father from around here?”
     “Yes Mam’.” Jeff stood practically at attention. “My family has been here for a long time.”
     Evan’s mom seemed to relax a bit after hearing that.
     Just as that second passed, the water on the stove began to over boil. Evan’s mom rushed over to tend to it turning her back to the boys.
     “So can he stay?” Evan pushed.
     “Yes, of course he can stay.” she replied hurriedly.
     The two walked off and went back to their secret hideout, planning their trip.
     Everything was going according to plan. Evan and Jeff stopped at the Cawaki Waterfall and ate lunch. Along the trail Jeff showed off his “Mad Boy Scout Skillz”, pointing out edible plants and poisonous ivies.
     The hours passed too quickly for the two boys who became sidetracked. Soon the sun was beginning to set and Jeff noticed they were almost to Rickshaw Ridge.
     The two climbed up the ridge to the top and stared down at all the land below. Everything seemed so distant. Civilization while still in sight, was far beyond reach.
     Jeff turned to walk down the other side. His back and backpack were facing Evan.
     The rocks on the ridge were quite mossy. The whole point of them going up there at all was the danger factor. However, Evan never thought once anything would happen to them.
     Not even as his hiking boot began to slip and he reached for the back of Jeff’s pack.
     Evan’s eyes widened in sync with his mouth as his hand went straight through the fabric. He let loose a quick noise of surprise, as he began to feel his momentum pulling him back.
     Jeff turned. His face whitened a paler shade than normal. He reached out his hand instinctively to his friend.
     As if in slow motion Jeff watched as Evans fingers went through his fingertips.
     Evan fell backwards off the ridge.
     “No!” Jeff screamed and rushed to the edge. A quick feeling of relief hit him as he saw Evan hanging for dear life on a protruding rock ledge. Then fear reconnected when he noticed Evan had no other footings, and there was no other ledges.
     “I’ll get help!” Jeff rushed through the woods.
     It was as if a strong breeze blew like a straight line through the forest. No one saw anything. Some thought it was a deer, others imagined it was some sort of large animal running. Some animal trying to escape unseen from it’s aggressor, and quite skilled at succeeding.
     Jeff saw the Park Ranger leaning over to reach the device he was using to communicate with home base. He stopped running, “You need to help my friend at Rickshaw Ridge, he fell over the cliff.”
     The ranger felt all the hairs on his back stand up as the wind stopped directly behind him, with great force. The eerie ghost sounds he heard of a warning at Rickshaw Ridge that followed, made the air around him grow thin. He’d heard stories of this before. They were the seasonal favorites. The ghost that warns of a park patron falling over the cliff. The woman searching for her lost child.
     He turned around and saw nothing.
     The ranger walked a few steps away from the truck then shook his head clear of it.
     Jeff drew in his breath and in his anger reached over and slammed the truck door shut.
     The ranger jumped and faced the truck. “Rickshaw Ridge, got it.” he spoke to the truck and got in.
     Once he reached the point, he exited the truck and called out. “Anybody here?”
     “Help!” Evan screamed. “Help! Help! Help!” He continued saying it over and over in desperation til the Ranger glanced over the ridge and noticed him.
     The Ranger waved at him and the lowered a rope and harness down.
     “How did you know I was here?” Evan questioned the park ranger when he noticed Jeff wasn’t with him.
     The Ranger glanced at the teenager and decided against telling the strange truth, “I was on rounds, I always check to see if anyone is up on the ridge this time of night.”
     It had been two hours since Evan had seen Jeff, he was slightly aggravated and hurt his friend abandoned him like that.