Teenage Ghost

    Vi turned the corner and saw Jennifer Enind sitting with a magnet on her I.D. card. “What are you doing?” Vi asked as she approached her.
    “Erasing the chips inside so I can’t be located.” Jennifer responded without looking up.
    Vi questioned, “Do you always go to class?”
    “Of course.”
    “Then how will you even know it works?”
    Jennifer looked up at Vi and said nothing.
    Vi continued, “Why would you even care if they know where you are. You are where you’re supposed to be, what difference does it make?”
    “It’s not about my ability to follow the rules. It’s their lack of trust. Why do they need to know where I am every second I am here? Why should I trust them if they don’t trust me?” Jennifer held up the card and looked at it.
    “Want to test it out?” Vi questioned. “There’s rumors of a boy that died here…”
    Jennifer interrupted her. “My mom saw his his body.”
    “There were two boys that fought a lot in the school. On Halloween they fought in the middle stairwell.” Jennifer pointed to the stairwell door entrance where it happened. “One boy pushed the other down the stairs and killed him. It was right before fourth period, everyone had to stay in that class until school was out. My mother saw the body as he was carried out from the stairwell into the courtyard on the stretcher. She was never the same again.”
    “Halloween?” Vi sighed and stared at the stairwell door. Halloween was too far away, she couldn’t wait that long. She’d save that for her second attempt if this one failed. “Meet me here Friday after third period. I’m going to have my friends with me. We’ll see if your magnet trick works, and we’ll see if we can contact the dead.”
    “You’re going to have a séance in the middle stairwell between class?”
    Vi raised her eyebrow at Jennifer, “Scared?”
    Jennifer was not scared, she was intrigued. “No. I’ll be here.”
    Vi smiled wickedly and turned back to the door. All that was left now was to clear her friends I.D. cards and grab a Ouija board.