
     The small army stood on top of the hill looking down a small cluster of buildings. Springwater population 483.
     Augustus stepped forward and motioned towards the town. “The problem with these small towns are they are the fringes. The outcasts of society. They don’t want to live by “Their” ways. This is the vampire trap. There’s not many, we can outnumber them.” Augustus let the logic sink in. “But they will always kill us. They are the last remnants of the ‘Believers.’”
     “Religious zealots.” Utheus began to curse under his breath. “Scourge of the Earth is all they are, always getting in our way. Stopping us from feeding, killing us. Love and truth, where’s the love and acceptance of our kind? I’ve outlived every one of those self-righteous eternal life… I’ll give YOU eternal life.”
     “Utheus.” Augustus redirected attention and turned back to the town. “They will protect the town, and kill every last one of us. They will even protect those of them that they shun. Hunting us down until at least one of us is found. Thank you Jules, for that critical information.”
     “Thank Sarah for her generous sacrifice.” Jules stood unmoved.
     Augustus turned back to face them. “So times have changed and yet they haven’t changed at all. When word gets out a massive attack has been made on a major city, it may cause these people to rise. This is not the only fringe, there’s thousands of them everywhere. Outside every major city there’s at least one, sometimes more. Just one ‘Believer’ can kill ten of you. I only brought you out this far to show you the threat is still very real. To increase our numbers will only deplete our food supply even more, in the end we would be slitting our own throats just to kill off these radicals.”