
     “You make such a mockery of everything Jules.” Elizabeth’s red curls fell around her sienna freckles.
     “Augustus is moving North, he said it’s time to leave the Southern Territories they are training hunters.” Jules moved away from the makeup table Elizabeth had been playing with. “We’ll go back up North where it’s safe for a while.”
     “For a while?” Elizabeth mocked him.
     “Now who’s making the mockery?” Jules sat on a moldy old couch.
     “Drat.” Elizabeth muttered to herself almost, it sounded as if she had broken a nail. It was merely for an inconvenience in her plans though. She turned to face her companion, “There’s no reason for us to hide, we’re the superior species.”
     “Augustus isn’t taking you.” Jules stood up. “He’s leaving you here to fend for yourself. You and I have caused them a lot of trouble. That virgin meal was tasty indeed, more tasty than any blood I’ve had since the early 1900’s. It wasn’t worth being hunted again for all of eternity though. It was a bad idea Elizabeth, and the last I will make with you this century.”
     “Her blood made us three times stronger than we normally are.” Elizabeth argued her point. “All those small towns on the outskirts, just brimming with pristine food. How dare he stop us?”
     “For the survival of our kind”
     “How dare he?” She repeated. “They are the cattle. We should over take this world and herd them like the animals they are. Breed them and pasture them. Feed them diets rich with spices and lock them in small cages so they can’t move. Keep the choice selections apart from the breeding stock. We could eat gourmet meals, everyday.”
     Jules would not be manipulated into following her plan. “I thought you wanted to hunt, like the old days. Now you want to ranch.”
     “There is space enough on this planet for Both.” she retorted.
     “I’m with Sarah on this one. I would miss the functioning of the cities, and the noise they create.”
     “Sarah is dead.” Elizabeth rose from the makeup table and stood in front of Jules, “And so will you be if you keep following Augustus.” She walked out of the dressing room towards the stage entrance.
     The play was almost over. They waited for Julia Starling and her entourage. After the production they were going to celebrate the end of the play’s run. A successful run, one that would surely help launch Julia’s career finally into stardom. She had been practicing to be on this stage for over seventeen years. Her entourage was comprised of fifteen of her closet friends who decided to ride her coattails as she rose to fame. They worshiped her and adored her, would protect her with their very lives. Little were any of them aware this very night, they would be doing exactly that, while poor Julia would not even be able to escape.
     “This is our last meal together, Elizabeth.” Jules stood behind his oldest friend.
     “Yes.” Elizabeth agreed. “That is why I secured us the bountiful banquet.” She turned away from the actors performing on stage. “I heard there is another clan here in the city, not as old as Augustus’. Perhaps they would like my plan better.”
     “Perhaps.” Jules was unmoved.
     “If all goes well, I will send for you.” Elizabeth watched as the final line was spoken, the curtain fell. The crowd stood and clapped.