
    Alfonz watched Jeremiah with curiosity. For centuries nothing had peaked his interest, and lately these vampires from a different clan were breathing new life into him. Awakening parts of him he had thought long gone and forgotten.
    For so many years he had done nothing more than hide within society’s elite. Every day a leisure or fantasy until boredom would set in. There was nothing new under the sky, he would say sun but that had been blotted out for some time now. People did not even understand the reference anymore.
    Then came these two from another clan. Elizabeth with her brilliant war against the humans. They would soon learn again to fear the word “Vampire”. He felt his blood rush even thinking about the mere aspect. It was rejuvenating. He felt alive again in his undead body. Something he hadn’t felt in such a long time.
    Then Jeremiah shows up at his door. An inquisitive, contemplative fellow. What was he thinking in that mind of his? How did that marvelous brain work? From the moment he showed up it was question after question. Who worked here, what was the facility for, how many subjects are being working on, what were the results? So many questions, and a sincere eagerness to learn everything about the project.
    Alfonz could only think of Jeremiah as a scout, and perhaps he could recruit this new clan into the army.
    Jeremiah walked to a lab where an old doctor was working on gene manipulation. He watched with interest. To the Doctor’s left, strange electronic incubators grew human organs to replace failing ones in the elderly subjects.
    He had been told the entire history of what had been going on here. They had two generations die from old age already. There were 200 subjects in all, at the present time.
    A strange outbreak had taken out about fifty or more of them a few years past. They still had yet to determine the source.
    After the females are past breeding age they are put into medical comas. They are kept alive with machines while their blood is drained continuously.
    The Doctor has been working on ways to boost blood production, and has so far been successful. However the internal organs shut down quicker than normal and need to be replaced in order to keep up with production.
    Jeremiah watched with interest. He was unable to find the whereabouts of Elizabeth so far, but to see her plan coming to fruition made him a slight bit proud.