Original X-roads-2003

    Grades seven and eight focused on career choices, but the students were not allowed to choose their careers. Their careers were already chosen by a panel of doctors, trade specialists, and military personnel. They watched the video portion of the file on the students behavior. They read the file’s contents, and reviewed the grades. They knew what the person was best suited for by this stage in the students development. Students would be assigned their new studies in whatever their career path was to be. There was no argument at this age from the young pupils. They were not told that they were being guided and molded into a career. They were simply given their class schedules and told to go to class.
    By the time they reached grade twenty their path in life was already laid out for them. Trade specialists had a job waiting for them the next day after they left school. Military students had the option of leaving during grade seventeen and while many did, the ones who stayed were marked for future command positions. Others required more school, and were signed up for university classes that were paid for by the government.
    The students had no reason to stress out about their futures, what they would become, if they would find employment, or how to pay for it. It was all planned out for them, they had to do nothing but comply.