
     “The comity recognizes Carl Matton.” Archie Findstetter hit the wooden soundblock with it’s gavel.

     Carl walked towards the podium holding up a book. The cover of the book had black velvet glued to it as a book cover. The inside contained the dairy entries of a teenage goth girl. Pages of sadness, gloom, and tyranny filled it three quarters full. Then in the last few pages of this monument to human suffering, Hope.
     “Vampires!” Carl slammed the book down on the top of the podium.
     A few gasps could be heard through the room with the heightened whispers. They were quickly followed by one or two unbelieving chuckles.
     A robust baritone voice boomed out from behind the comity’s table. “We live in a time where it seems even at the best of times God does not reside in Heaven or on Earth.” A dark skinned portly man rose from his chair. His calm but firm voice had begun to make it’s point. Evan Style stood from his place at the comity table’s center right. He proceeded to walk behind the other members til he reached the center of the of the table. His stride exuberated confidence. Evan Style always lived up to his name. Facing Carl directly he continued. “Now you want to add to all of this, Vampires?” Evan tilted his head forward and opened his eyes slightly. “Are you sure this is something you want to do?”